About Me
Buckle up, we're living in the most interesting times. A world where geopolitics is being reshaped, intelligent systems are evolving beyond our imagination, and money itself is being reinvented. These forces are colliding and recombining in unprecedented ways. Like it or not, we're in an era of volatility but also extraordinary value and knowledge creation.
I live in New York City and have spent the last year building Aalps, the information capitalism infrastructure of the 21st century.
I’m a systems thinker at night. I’m obsessed with systems and how to analyze their equilibrium(s) as well as how to build sustainable and anti-fragile systems. I write about chokepoints in complex systems and signals that point to their inner workings on my substack.
Feel free to message me and say hi if you got this far, I don’t bite unless angered: {my first name}@saam.kim
You can also subscribe to my stream of thoughts here.
Quotes that steer my thinking
"The only thing that is constant is change"
- Heraclitus
"There are only three ways for humans to change: First, change the time allocation; Second, change the place of residence; Third, change the people with whom they interact. Only under these three elements can human beings change. One of the most meaningless is: 'Make new resolutions'."
- Kenichi Ohmae
"There are three qualities to look for in a partner: intelligence, energy, and integrity."
- Naval Ravikant
"Our strategy is to use systems, alter systems, and build systems that expand our circles in ways each of us couldn't do on our own... Uncertainty is a feature of every strategy. Not the delineated steps of a proven process, but the exploration and probabilities of creating a better version of the future."
- Seth Godin
"The curious mind embraces science; the gifted and sensitive, the arts; the practical, business; the leftover becomes an economist"
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Bunch of these quotes are from my bookshelf!