Remy Kim Unbundling and Rebundling


Here I direct you to some of the best writings or books that I come back to every year. I hope you find them as insightful as I did.

Writings I cherish

Books I can’t stop re-reading

Clarity in Life

Science / Epistemology / Knowledge Creation


Economics, Social Science and Progress

International Politics and History

Cognitive Science / Human Psyche

Creating Valuable Systems

Art, Philosophy and Literature

Currently reading

  • A History of Religious Ideas by Mircea Eliade
  • Genesis by Henry A. Kissinger, Craig Mundie and Eric Schmidt
  • Shape by Jordan Ellenberg

For those who’ve made it this far, I also present to you my life-long bookshelf of bold questions (continually updated).

Bold Questions
1. What trade-offs am I willing to make?
2. Why am I engaging in this? Where in my hierarchy of causes is this goal located?
3. Where do we find happiness from?
4. How does one build trust with another or destroy it?
5. Where is it that would bring out the best of me?
6. How does one foster and maintain a firm grounding that withstands circumstances?
7. New Room near a forest: better air or more bugs?
8. How will today be remembered as? To me? To others?
9. What am I capable of?
10. When should I be flexible and let go of my convictions?
11. How do we extract signal from noise amid floods of information? What glasses need we put on?
12. What does it take to be a more humorous, entertaining person?
13. What defines a founder? A great one that builds a one-in-ten-thousand company?
14. Will my generation ever witness a major war in our lives?
15. Will global trade ever be settled in crypto in the near future?
16. When is sincerity fully delivered/communicated from one mind to another? Or is it just false hope?
17. What will be the invariant for the next 30 years? Variants?
18. What constitutes a brilliant persuader, or a great visionary?
19. What does it mean to own something? Memory? Idea? Someone? Share of a company? Capital? Crypto? Time?
20. Why do people scam others even when they are not directly benefiting?
21. Is leverage always better off?
22. How does one become an independent consumer of news and social media without falling prey to it? More fact-checking? or simply reducing one's exposure to them?
23. How are token stakings and bonds fundamentally different?
24. How do I perceive the current self? What do I want myself to be? What does it take to have full control of my brain? my habits? my thoughts? my reactions?
25. Why do I repeat downloading and deleting the instagram app? What is this algorithm doing to me?
26. To what extent does geopolitics determine a nation's futures?
27. Why would anyone want to overhaul/transform one's identity?
28. How can I ever be adequately appreciative or grateful? How about when it is already transactional?
29. What adjective do I want my name to be?
30. What quality (or qualities) maketh a man superhuman?
31. Can antifragility ever be artificially designed?
32. One's definition of success vs one's constructed meaning in life? Are they equivalent? Can each be measured?
33. How do I mechanically remove negative associations existing in my visual cortex?
34. Do I have all the answers already? Am I ever ready enough?
35. Questions about questions?
36. Am I still afraid to put myself out there? to make enemies?
37. Is it true that actions speak louder than words? How do words gain power that transcends circumstances and actions? Money speaks? Markets talk?
38. Is consensus closer to the truth?
39. Is "the life of questioning" consistently beneficial?
40. Is there a way to measure my self-honesty? How do I hold myself accountable for not being honest?
41. What are the lenses through which I perceive signals? Which k-v cache do I access most frequently?
42. How vulnerable does one become when experiencing deficiency? Is deficiency absolute? relative? mental? Are adversity, loneliness and solitude deficiencies?
43. Does programmable money strengthen or mitigate reflexivity? How does the interplay among signal (observation), perception (world model) and action influence this process?