Hi, I'm Remy. You can each out to me at [email protected].
My interest lies in three areas:
- The non-linear dynamics between the commodities market and the global macro economy.
- Cryptographic primitives (e.g. smart contracts and zkSNARKs/MPCs) and their application as a settlement layer for the wider financial system.
- Decision making under uncertainty and the application of market microstructure theory to the design of financial markets/products.
Here are some of my writings on my journey on the intersection of commodities markets and crypto and how Greekwaters seeks to bridge the two.
I’m a Seoul Nationl University ECE/CBA alumni and currently on a leave from my graduate studies at UPenn CIS to venture into Greekwaters.
Feel free to message me and say hi if you got this far, I don’t bite unless angered.